
Together Connecting.   Sharing.   Inspiring.


Sections:       • In a nutshell       • Item1       • Item2       • Item3   

  In a nutshell

Are you ready to be a part of the paradigm shift?

Contribute to something that changes the way people all over the globe receive support services?

Join us in revolutionizing the healthcare services  industry with innovative solutions and a commitment to excellence. As an executive member of our team, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • High Growth Potential: Tap into a rapidly expanding market with significant demand for innovative healthcare solutions.
  • Scalability: Our solutions are designed to be scalable, allowing for rapid expansion and adaptation to various markets and demographics.
  • Innovative Technology: Invest in cutting-edge technologies that are transforming the industry, including AI, telehealth, and data-driven care models.
  • Proven Track Record: Leverage our team’s expertise and successful track record in delivering impactful projects and driving industry change.
  • Social Impact: Align your investment with a venture that not only promises financial returns but also contributes to societal well-being, a grearter sense of community and  improved quality of life globally.
  • Passionate about making a positive impact in the healthcare industry and eager to be part of a dynamic, forward-thinking team? We want to hear from you. Let’s create a better future together.



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  • Better Together© is a group of vetted, licensed professional therapists dedicated to fostering genuine connections through our unique online Group system.
  • Our system let's therapists build and run their own online Groups using our AI-enabled platform
  • It costs the therapist nothing, and costs the Member about $30 a Session
  • We are named-insured on the Therapists liability coverage (min $1/$3M)
  • 24-notice is required to "skip" a Session. Fees are collected 24-hours before Session
  • There is no cost to the Therapist. Therapist takes 66% and we take 33%
  • A Therapist working part time can earn $249,600 a year part-time (12 participants in each Group, $30, 4 Sessions a day, 5 days a week)
  • Our technology supports all platforms and devices. (Flutter, NoSQL)
  • Groups are the most effective form of therapy
  • Current market is looking for a paradigm shift


  silo stats

  • 1.  Current Market
       In the US, last year:
       • over 40 million American adults received therapy last year.
       • over 13.5 million American kids (8-17) received therapy last year.
       • over 21% of adults (52+ million) experience mental illness such as depression or anxiety
       • 42% of this group cannot afford it
       • 86% of people who saw a therapist said that it "helped them cope"
       • 30% of adults have seen a therapist
       • 17% of teens see a therapist each year.
       • 25% of adult woman received treatment v 15% of men
       • 25% of white adults received therapy v 15% of Black adults and 12% of Latino adults
       • 50% of married couples have gone to counselling
       • most common age range for adult therapy is 18-44
       • 60% of youth with major depression don't receive any treatment
       • 40% increase in number of teenagers who have persistent feeling of "sadness"
       Worldwide, last year
       • 970 million are "grappling" with a mental disorder (WHO)
       • 1/3 experience onset of mental issue before age of 14; 1/2 beore 18, and 63% by 25
       • 12% of females are affected v 9% of men
       • 36% of multiracials are affected v 23% white
       • 35% of couples have already iniiated couples therapy within 3 years of cohabitation
       • 40% of individuals grieving a loss meet criteria for major depression in first month
       • daily work stress surged to 43%
       • PTSD is found in 5% of woman v 2% of men
       • 19% of students exhibit low self-esteem
       • So-called "adjustment disorders" impact 8%
  • 2.  The Therapists
       • 200,000 therapists and 80,000 psycologists practicing
       • 70% are woman
       • 52% are over 40
       • 75% are white
       • the average "wait list" is about 6 weeks with ability to pay
       • avg therapist rate in US is $182 per Session
       • avg session length is 45-50 minutes
       • only 38% of theraists in private practice are in-network with any insurance panel
       • avg therapy cost per Session in NC: $149, CA $191, GA $164, NY $213, UT $203
  • 3.   Access to therapy services
    In the US, last year
       • Poverty - societal stigma and access to insurance funding
       • Employment status - workplace stigma
       • Health insurance - 56% of working Americans were unable to "access mental health services"
       • Geographic - 20% of rural inabitants + greatest shortages seen in low-income urban regions.
       Worldwide, last year
       • Nearly 1 billion people globally have a mental health disorder 1
       • In low/middle-income countries, over 75% of people with mental health disorders receive no treatment 2
       • 2% of government health budgets are spend on mental health. very little change in recent years.3
  • 4.  Online Therapy
       • 17 studies have concluded the online CBT could potential be more impactful than traditional "in-person" counselling
  • 5.  Role of insurance
       • lowest out-of-pocket cost is through an in-network therapist
       • number of therapist beloning to in-network plans varies: RI 68%, NC 43%, SC 60%, GA 29%, CA 18%
       • only some plans allow for seeing an out-of-network provider
       • many therapists decline to accept insurance because the "rate of reimbursement" is too low to sustain a modern practice
  • 6.  Expert opinions
       • Mia Ruth, LMHC: “As an out-of-network provider, this is something I think about and struggle with often. Unfortunately, the healthcare system in our country makes it difficult for many people to find the affordable, consistent mental health care they need. We do what we can at my practice to offset many of our clients' high deductibles and lack of out-of-network benefits with flexible rates, but because of the large number of people for whom paying full fees is not feasible, unfortunately we cannot always accommodate what each client needs."
       • Aja Evans, LMHC: “It can be a delicate balance to find what works for you financially as a business owner and desire to provide care and accessibility. Telehealth has helped accessibility to care immensely, but therapists still have to navigate what that means for our session prices. Creating an avenue for clients to access my services in a comfortable way for both of us was important to me.” 1. 2. 3.




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    Better Together© is a group of vetted, licensed professional therapists dedicated to fostering genuine connections through our unique online Group system.

    Earn $3,000 extra a month, part time.
    If you're serious, you can earn $249,600 a year part-time.

    To earn $249+ a year, it takes only 12 participants in each of your Group Sessions, $30 a person, 4 Sessions a day, 5 days a week - that's about 20 hours a week.

    We enable therapists build and run their own online Groups using our AI-enabled platform

    No Zoom here! Better Together uses the most advanced AI-enabled community-building tool in the world

      Want to help?

    Invest in the Future of Mental Health with Better Together, Corp.

    Curious but not sure? We understand.

    Join Us in Revolutionizing Group Therapy The first step to becoming a member of our innovative team is to complete the registration process. This involves uploading copies of your license, liability insurance, and other professional credentials for verification. Once submitted, our administration will review your information and contact you with the next steps.

    Empower Clinicians, Transform Lives Once authorized, you’ll be invited to an online group orientation where we’ll equip you with the tools to make your groups both clinically effective and financially rewarding.Why Invest in Better Together, Corp?

    Scalable Platform for Mental Health Professionals: Our platform allows clinicians to showcase their expertise, connect with clients, and offer individual counseling services, creating multiple revenue streams.

    Flexible Pricing Model: With group therapy sessions priced at a minimum of $30/hr, clinicians can adjust rates based on demand, ensuring maximum profitability. Our model supports both small and large group sessions, including unlimited registrations for psychoeducation.

    Innovative Content Marketplace: Clinicians can create and share group curricula, renting their materials to peers, fostering a collaborative and profitable ecosystem.

    Seamless Payment Processing: All payments from registrants are processed at the conclusion of each group session, ensuring timely and efficient revenue collection.

    Join Us in Shaping the Future of Mental Health Care Invest in Better Together, Corp and be part of a groundbreaking platform that empowers clinicians, enhances patient outcomes, and drives financial success. Complete your registration now and join a community dedicated to clinical excellence and innovation. Ready to Invest? Let’s Transform Mental Health Together!


    Our AI-enabled Group Platform


    We created it. Nothing like it anywhere.

    Our technology has been used by us, proven by us, worldwide, since 2023. Nothing like Zoom (or anything else out there). Easy to use. Highest levels of security and data integrity. Super hi-resolution. Decide for yourself. Why use anything less capable?

    Operates on virtually any digital platform.

    Desktop, notepad, iPad, phone, virtually every operating system

    Has a built-in "Smart Syllabus" that keeps you on track during your Session.

    Smart Syllabus takes the complexity out of operating a "video conferencing platform" (like Zoom). Smart Syllabus does everything for you. From setting up videos, to documents and spreadsheets, breakout into "Sub-Sessions"; if you need it, Smart Syllabus can do it. Zero technical requirement on your part. You absolutely need to see this incredible capability for yourself. Click on the video below:

    Oversight Mode👁

    Breaking into Sub-groups is difficult from a professional and liability situation. The therapist has a requirement to keep all Members under observation at all times. This is impossible with current technology. No longer. Our "Oversight Mode" allows the therapist (host) to maintain complete video and audio control over every Sub-group including disciplinary action.

    AI-enabled Clinical Notes

    Every action, every dialogue is captured by the Platform. At the end, you have an automatically generated summary that you can edit containing the actions, conversations and outcomes of the Session. Automatically.

    Attention Verification

    Want to make sure everyone in your Group is paying attention and not reading emails, doodling on a pad of paper next to the computer or just not paying attention? Then, you will like our "Attention Verification" feature. Nothing like it anywhere. You really can insist and enforce active participation.

    Interactive Feedback

    Share (positive) feedback to any Member at any time. Senders name is attached to the selected emoji.

    Water-Cooler Time

    We believe the long-term power and cohesiveness of a Group is based on the interaction of the Members. We provide 30 minutes before and after each Session for the interaction of Members outside of the Session space. Attendance of the therapist is discouraged.

    Interactive Wallet

    All transactions are instantly settled when the meeting begins through our relationship with PayPal. Your fees are paid directly into your account. Every Member has access to their own Wallet.

    Webinar - Interactive psycoeduction for up to 500 people

    Need to reach more than a dozen or two Members interactively? Our Webinar capability lets you interactively work with up to 500 Members using our "Stage" feature where you are the MC.

    Livestream - psycoeduction for up to 200,000 people

    Need to reach many thousands? Our "Livestream" mode is like a YouTube "channel". Create your Better-Together© Channel, set up your Livestream date/time, and send out your Channel. That is all there is to it.

    and .. All the other goodies you expect (too many to list)

    • multiple types of chat
    • interactive polls
    • ... list some more things here ...

       Sara Ross, CEO

    Sara's longer story for investors here ..


       T. Craig Hilton, SVP Research

    Born in the Bay Area of California and raised in Los Angeles, Craig graduated with joint-program degrees from Occidental College (US State Dept program) and the California Institute of Technology (Molecular Chemistry).

    Craig formed Central Data Corporation in 1984, and several years later was a principal in Technologies B Systèmes (Paris, France). The companies conducted projects world-wide (North and South America, West and East Europe, South America and Africa).

    Central Data developed intellectual property on some interesting technologies including the first "autonomous networkable robots" (later "swarms"), an early "wearable biometric tracking device" (later "smart" watches) and an early fully-integrated self-auditing accounting system.

    While running Central Data, Craig wrote a textbook published by Addison Wesley (Simon & Schuster) on databases (with Russian and Japanese language editions).

    Taking a three year sabbatical from Central Data, Craig served as a professor at the Gateway State College (Florida), was appointed Chair of the Information Technology Department, and wrote a textbook published by Addison Wesley (Simon & Schuster) on databases (with Russian and Japanese language editions)

    For five years beginning in 1990, Craig served as Principal Investigator for various U.S. government projects.

    Returning to Central Data, Craig re-focused the company on education projects and affiliated with the largest independent youth organization in America. CDC created an early on-line student "portal" spawning CDC's development of it's early on-line "learning system" and associated patents. In 2007, that learning system was sold and became the foundation for one of the largest on-line learning systems in the world, still in operation today.

    Craig has six children and lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge.


       Joseph + Susan Vollmer, joint-CFO

    Joseph and Susan Vollmer have participated in several projects with Craig over the years. These have included real-estate, economic development and international outreach programs.

    Better Together© is a collaboration that began with their shared interest in creating a fully multi-lingual next-generation learning system to assist with education and outreach programs in Central and South America. These efforts resulted in an international collaboration with a multi-national Australian company which helped refine the technology leading to Better Together©.


       Ranjit Donas, CTO

    Born in Kolkuta, India, Ranjit graduated with emphasis in Computer Science and Database Systems from Jadavpur Univeristy and the Institute of Engineering and Management. He worked for 12 years in senior technical roles for several large research firms in India before joining the staff at the TCH Foundation in 2020. Ranjit is an world-class full-stack developer, an expert at data security and integrity, runs an international team of developers, and has invented several communication protocols and peer-to-peer blockchain interfaces.


    For our Investors and Partners

    Contact Us
    You, the Therapist create one or more Groups. Members are the patients seeking therapy. Members make up Groups. Groups meet at the schedule you define (for example, once a week, 1st Monday of the month) at the time you define and for the duration you define. You also define what amount will be charged each Member per Session - the amount we suggest is $30. Each Group should contain at least 6 Members to be scheduled.
    You are always in complete control of ever Session. You are never out of view of every Membere of your Session. You can mute, cut video, or instantly remove any Members at any time with the touch of an icon. If you choose not to remove a disruptor from the Session, you can place the person in a "Time Out" room where s/he waits alone until you join them (again with the click of a button)
    Using the Better Together© platform is not complicated. Like most things, practice makes perfect. We hold periodic training sessions at convenient times. We also have a recorded library of explanatory videos.
    Better Together© is an adjunct to your practice. It's a great way to provide your potential patients with a safe place until an individual slot opens up. No more overflow problems. Have exhausted individual therapy options? Create Groups to retain patients.
    This is proprietary to us. Oversight Mode allows you see every Member in real time including "sub-Sessions". This powerful feature means no Member is every out of sight. You are always 100% in control of your Session.
    You are paid instantly when the Session begins. All Members payments are locked in 24-hours before the Session begins. If the Member has not requested a "Skip" then the Member is charged for the Session. A "skip" allows a Member to not attend 1 Session a month - the Member's subscription in the Group is automatically extended by one Session. There are no refunds, except for the 1st meeting of any Group.
    Whatever type of Group you feel competent to run. We ask that you limit your Groups to professional experience you have had. However, we encourage therapists to create multiple Groups for multiple needs. For example, instead of a single "Anxiety" Group, a therapist might want to create several; one for "Anxiety for Women", "Anxiety for Men", "Anxiety for Teens"
    The brochure must grab a viewer’s attention and hold it long enough to deliver the pertinent information. How do you grab your customers’ attention.
    The brochure must grab a viewer’s attention and hold it long enough to deliver the pertinent information. How do you grab your customers’ attention.
    The brochure must grab a viewer’s attention and hold it long enough to deliver the pertinent information. How do you grab your customers’ attention.
    The brochure must grab a viewer’s attention and hold it long enough to deliver the pertinent information. How do you grab your customers’ attention.
    The brochure must grab a viewer’s attention and hold it long enough to deliver the pertinent information. How do you grab your customers’ attention.