Sara Ross LCSW, CEO, Better Together©
In a recent series of 11 meta-analyses encompassing 329 studies comparing group with individual therapy, Group therapy was found effective for depression and bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorder, panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, substance use disorders, and chronic pain (Rosendahl, J., et al., The American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2021).
Social support is not the same as merely being in the presence of others. The critical issue is reciprocity: being truly heard and seen by the people around us, feeling that we are held in someone else's mind and heart. For our physiology to calm down, heal, and grow we need a visceral feeling of safety. No doctor can write a prescription for friendship and love: These are complex and hard-earned capacities."- Bessel van der Kolk
According to SAMHSA, "trauma-informed peer recovery support utilizes a strength-based framework that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety and creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense
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